USTA League Tennis
USTA league tennis is open to men and women age 18 & older. Teams include men’s, women’s, mixed and combo. All teams are set up according to NTRP ratings, so you’re always sure that you’ll be facing off against someone of comparable ability. The USTA seasons have local, area and sectional championships which culminate in a national championship. There’s no better way to have fun and make friends while playing the game you love.
Eligibility & Commitment:
To play USTA League Tennis at Towpath, you must:
- Have a Towpath membership
- Have a USTA membership
- Have a computer NTRP rating or declare an accurate rating at registration
- Be available for most matches
- Be willing to travel to away matches
- Be 18 prior to or during calendar year of first league match (or the required age for each division)
- Players pay $25 registration fee to USTA for each team they join
- Players pay $22/match
- Players must play at the level they are rated
- Players may only play up a level if they are on a roster of their rated level. Players bumped down from year before have a one year grace period to play on the team, but it is recommended to play at the rated level.

2024 Spring Teams & Information
Towpath will field women’s 2.5 18+, and men & women’s 3.0-4.0 18+, 6.0-7.0 55+ & 65+ and men’s 7.0 65+ teams, 5.5-8.5 Combo Mixed 18+, and 6.0-7.0 Mixed 40+ divisions. For more information or to be placed on a team, please email Tennis Director, Katie Orlando.
Important Dates:
Team Registration Open: Dec. 4
Team Roster Minimums Due: Jan. 7
League season begins: Feb. 2
Last Day to add players: March 31
Easter: March 31
Spring season ends: April 28

2024 Summer Teams & Information
Towpath will field women’s 2.5 18 &over, and men’s & women’s 3.0-4.0 teams at the 18 & over and 40 & over divisions. We will also have men’s & women’s 6.0-70 55 & 65 over teams, and 6.0-8.0 18 & over mixed. For more information or to be placed on a team, please email Tennis Director, Katie Orlando.
Important Dates:
Team Registration Open: March 25
Team Roster Minimums Due: April 14
League season begins: May 13
Last Day to add players: June 30
League season ends: July 21 (exceptions may apply)
Adult League District Championships: Aug. 2-4

2024 Fall Teams & Information
Towpath will field women’s 5.5-7.5 Combo, men’s 6.5-7.5 Combo, and 6.0-7.0 55 & over Mixed. We will also have 6.0-8.0 Fusion teams for men and women. For more information or to be placed on a team, please email Tennis Director, Katie Orlando.
Important Dates:
Team Registration Open: June 3
Team Roster Minimums Due: Aug. 25
League season begins: Sept. 13
Last Day to add players: Oct. 27
League season ends: Nov. 24